Silent Mode

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Silent Mode

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In some cases, you may need to install CFturbo in silent mode, so the installation is performed automatically without any user interaction.

For example, you install CFturbo in silent mode if you need to automate the installation procedure or deploy the application on multiple computers on your network.

You can install CFturbo in silent mode via specific command-line arguments.

Accept the terms of use

By installing CFturbo in silent mode, you confirm that you consent to all license terms and conditions.

Unattended installation

On the target computer, run the installation using the following command-line arguments:

<path_to_installation_package>\<CFturbo_installer_executable> /SILENT /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES

The setup will install CFturbo without user interaction.

Note: Administrator permissions are required to run the installation!

Unattended uninstallation

On the target computer, run the uninstall process using the following command-line arguments:

<path_to_installed_application>\uninstall.exe /SILENT /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES

The setup will uninstall CFturbo without user interaction.

As the uninstallation doesn't prompt for the removal of the settings, an additional switch

<path_to_installed_application>\uninstall.exe /SILENT /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /REMOVESETTINGS

can be added to remove the application settings during the uninstall process.

Note: Administrator permissions are required to run the uninstallation!