AutoCAD (Autodesk)

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AutoCAD (Autodesk)

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The data import from CFturbo is realized by a LISP-script.

Loading the LISP-Application and Import of the Geometry

Tools | Load Application (command: _appload)

Select file "xyz2spline.lsp" from CFturbo-installation directory, load and close dialog

Execute loaded LISP-application by command xyz2spline

Select and open *.txt file exported from CFturbo

Attention: If "; Error: Bad argument type: FILE nil" occurs as error message it can be bypassed by typing the filename in the open-file-dialog manually instead of selecting the file by mouse click.

Selection of xyz2spline.lsp file

Selection of xyz2spline.lsp file

Construction of Impeller

Creating the blades

Use the command _loft to create surfaces from curves

Sample-view after data import

Sample-view after data import

Blade surface gerated by using the _loft command

Blade surface gerated by using the _loft command

Creating rotational surfaces (Hub, Shroud)

Command _revolve

Select hub and shroud curves

Specify axis start point or define axis by [Object/X/Y/Z] <Object>: 0,0,0

Specify axis endpoint: 0,0,1

Specify angle of revolution or [STart angle/Reverse/EXpression] <360>:360

Hub and Shroud surfaces

Hub and Shroud surfaces

Construction of Volute

Sample-view after data import

Sample-view after data import

Creating the open part of volute geometry

1.Command _loft

2.Select profile-curves to loft (part by part, starting with the open one)

3.Enter an option [Guides/Path/Cross-sections only] <Cross-sections only>: cross-sections only

Settings for lofted surface

Settings for lofted surface

4.Repeat steps 1 to 4 for remaining parts of the volute