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On page Setup you can specify some basic settings.


Manual dimensioning
In manual dimensioning mode the main dimensions and blade angles are not calculated by CFturbo. All these values are user-defined input values.

Splitter blades  (not for axial machines)
Design impeller with or without splitter blades.

Material density
The material density of the impeller is an informational value that is not relevant for the hydraulic design but is used for the calculation of moments of inertia. Density values can be directly entered or selected from a list by pressing the settings button next to the input area.

Design a shrouded (closed) or unshrouded (open) impeller.
For an unshrouded impeller you have to define the tip clearance, optional different values at inlet and outlet.

Inflow swirl
Either the outlet swirl of the upstream component will be used for the determination of the inlet swirl or the absolute inlet flow angle.

Multi stage

For a multi stage design the panel Multi stage options is available.

Initial default setting

When creating a new design the initial default settings for some important properties are displayed in the panel Initial default settings. These settings are used in further design steps and can be modified by selecting the Change settings button. Of course these default settings can be modified manually in the appropriate design steps. See Preferences: Impeller/ Stator settings for more information.


Some design point values are displayed in the right Information panel when selecting the page Values (see Global setup).

Possible warnings


Possible solutions

Inconsistent inflow swirl in ‹Setup› part:
Option ''..." yields a highly deviating inlet swirl compared with the upstream component or design point.

A pre-swirl might by generated by the upstream neighboring component or may be defined by the Global setup. This definition will be considered if inflow swirl = Upstream swirl. Otherwise local settings will be used delivering a different inflow swirl.

If setting was chosen by purpose the warning can be ignored. Otherwise the local settings should be adjusted (e.g. inlet flow angle α). Alternatively, the upstream component can be altered.